Cracked advertisement.

So, the EZCracker ad came on TV today. My brother and I burst out laughing when we saw it. (Pardon me if I’m slow, I don’t watch a lot of TV) For the unaware, watch the video below.

The EZCracker

My first thought? “Dumbest. Product. Ever.

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Five fives and a fiver

Take a look at this five dollar bill below. Do you see anything special about it?

What's special about this $5 bill?

Now look at the next picture…

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Someone’s cross you crossed a crossing in a cross

So I was at the Rose Garden on campus with a few friends the other day, and we were looking out at the mountains when we happened to spot a guy carrying an office chair, walking casually along the road.

Now that's something you don't see every day

Call me slow, but is that some kind of a new trend now?

From Boombox to Swivel Chair

(Man’s face blurred out for his best interests)

Alright, jokes aside, I’d like to draw your attention back to the first picture up there. The focus of this post isn’t going to be on that man with the shoulder seat, but on the road on which he is walking on.

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